When you are considering addiction treatment, cost can feel like a prohibitive factor, preventing you from reaching out for help. Even though your health matters most
Once an addict has chosen to look into addiction treatment, trying to find the right addiction program in Los Angeles can feel daunting and overwhelming.
When someone we love is struggling through recovery, it’s easy to feel intimidated or unsure how to help. Our intentions are to offer support, but we don’t know how to express it.
With the holiday season approaching, we often talk about traditions that shape our plans over the next few months. While holidays can bring favorable events, we know…
When recovering from substance addiction, addicts are most successful when they understand the factors that lead to relapse. People recovering from addiction go through
One of the most challenging things a parent could go through is watching their child battle addiction. What was once an innocent child is now an addict fighting a tough disease.
Overcoming addiction is a challenge in itself. Battling the stigma of addiction is an entirely separate—and potentially rough—battle. How can a recovering addict get
The Walker Center treats those from all walks of life and various types of substance addiction. Because we treat addiction as a disease and address the problems
Summer poses a special challenge for recovering alcoholics. There are family reunions, vacations, social engagements, weddings, and a host of other potential pitfalls
It can be extremely difficult to come to terms with the idea that you or a loved one might be an alcoholic. Often times, admitting or recognizing the problem is the hardest part
Summer is a time of celebrations, and for a recovering addict that can become a slippery slope. Living an addict’s life means being a slave to powerful and destructive forces.
The addicts that we treat at The Walker Center come from all walks of life and suffer addiction to various types of substances, sometimes multiple substances at once.
Considering treatment for addiction can sometimes be an overwhelming prospect. Treatment at The Walker Center begins with addressing the core issue that addiction is not a moral problem
The 12 Step Program Principles are founded in a long history of “Things That Do Work” and are strongly suggested to be implemented in conjunction with outpatient