What Is National Recovery Month and Why Is It Important?

What Is National Recovery Month and Why Is It Important?

For over 30 years, September has been National Recovery Month. Wanting to recognize and celebrate the strength, resilience, and achievements of those on the recovery journey from addiction, this month is a reminder that recovery is possible.

What is National Recovery Month?

National Recovery Month was established in 1989 by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). National Recovery Month is used to promote new evidence-based treatment and recovery practices, to support the recovery community, and to highlight the dedication of those who make recovery in all its forms possible.

Over the decades, National Recovery Month has grown into a nationwide celebration. It provides an opportunity for people in recovery, as well as their families and communities, to come together, share stories, and support one another. The month-long observance shows the importance of accessible, effective treatment and recovery services.

Why Is It Important?

First, National Recovery Month shines a spotlight on the millions of people who are living proof that recovery is attainable. It’s a chance to celebrate the hard work, dedication, and perseverance of those who have faced the challenges of addiction and emerged on the other side.

Second, National Recovery Month plays a crucial role in reducing the stigma surrounding addiction and mental health disorders. From encouraging the sharing of success stories to promoting open dialogue, this observance helps to dispel misconceptions about addiction, making it easier to seek help without fear of judgment or shame.

Finally, National Recovery Month is a reminder of the importance of continued support for those in recovery. It emphasizes the need for ongoing access to treatment, counseling, and community resources, all to help ensure that individuals can maintain their sobriety and live fulfilling lives.

How to Show Support During National Recovery Month

1. Educate Yourself

Educating yourself and others is one of the most impactful ways to support. Addiction is complex and building your own understanding will help you to become a more informed, empathetic ally. 

Read online stories, check out your local library, and find other free resources to share with others. Taking what you learn and sharing it with others helps foster discussions and understanding and build community.

2. Participate in Local Events

Many communities host local events during National Recovery Month. Things like walks, seminars, and rallies help show support and solidarity to those in recovery. They are a way to celebrate the achievements of those in recovery and learn more about resources and how to help. 

Consider participating or volunteering at events during this month and encouraging others to do the same. The more support, the merrier. 

3. Support Recovery-Friendly Businesses and Organizations

Businesses and organizations that support recovery from addiction make a significant impact on the lives of those recovering and their loved ones. 

Look for businesses that hire individuals in recovery or donate to organizations that provide treatment and support services.

Being a thoughtful consumer promotes an inclusive, supportive environment.

4. Encourage Self-Care

For those in recovery, maintaining sobriety requires ongoing effort and self-care. Encourage your loved ones to take charge of their well-being by participating in activities that promote physical, mental, and emotional health. 

Also, don’t forget about self-care for you. Make sure to take the time to meet your needs.

Whether it’s getting regular exercise, meditating in nature, or other creative outlets, self-care is an essential part of life for everyone.

5. Advocate for Better Access to Treatment

Advocacy is a powerful way to support National Recovery Month. Push for better access to treatment and recovery services. Contact your local representatives, participate in advocacy campaigns, and support policies that prioritize mental health and addiction treatment.

Recovery is Possible, and Help is Available

National Recovery Month is a time to celebrate the incredible strength and resilience of those in recovery. It’s a good reminder of the importance of being supportive and empathetic. 

Whether you’re in recovery yourself, supporting someone who is, or looking for ways to be a better ally, this month offers countless opportunities to learn, grow, and connect. 

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, The Walker Center is here to help. Our comprehensive treatment programs are designed to meet the unique needs of each individual, providing the tools and support necessary for lasting recovery. Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can assist you on your journey to sobriety.