
5 Things Your Loved One With Depression Wants You to Know

5 Things Your Loved One With Depression Wants You to Know

Depression – a word often thrown around casually in conversations, but for those battling with it, the reality can feel exhausting. When a loved one is living with depression, it can feel hard to understand what they’re going through. That’s why we’ve put together a list of things that our loved ones wished we knew when they were at their lowest.

Marriage and Mental Health: How to Support a Spouse With Depression

Marriage and Mental Health: How to Support a Spouse With Depression

Depression can have devastating effects on those who suffer from it and their loved ones. If your spouse or partner is suffering from depression, the symptoms can have a strained impact on your marriage. However, your support is vital to helping your spouse as they work to overcome their mental health struggles. Keep reading to learn what you can do to help.

3 Root Factors That Make You Depressed Around Christmas Season

3 Root Factors That Make You Depressed Around Christmas Season

If the holiday season is said to be all about the festive mood, celebration, and cheer, then why do people feel depressed? Especially those people struggling with an addiction?

Today we look through the main reasons why you don’t feel jolly. We also give you suggestions on how to cope with those Christmas blues.

5 Tried & Trusted Tips to Manage Anxiety

5 Tried & Trusted Tips to Manage Anxiety

One of the most common experiences addicts share is that of anxiety. Overwhelming feelings of terror or panic compound their physical dependence on alcohol or substances. They fall into a vicious cycle where the sufferer turns to their substance to escape from their anxiety, which in turn leaves them more anxious than they were before.